I Scored 61/66
- The correct statement is D: The code segment simulates a spinner in which selecting each of three sections is equally likely.
- The correct statement is B: There are multiple paths from P to S (for example, P to S and P to Q to S).
- The correct statement is D: It is not possible to create an algorithm to solve an undecidable problem for all programs and inputs.
- The correct statement is B and C: Cloud computing sites must consider security concerns in order to protect their users’ private data.
The correct statement is C and D: For the list open bracket, 10, 20, 30, 40, close bracket, there are no values less than the first number in the list, so the procedure returns the correct value 1 0.
- I feel like I understand 2018 Practice Exam MCQ content from what is shown from my test score and after learning about it for the whole year.