Homework Part 1

Problem 1: This problem involves parameters

Qais is writing code to calculate formulas from his math class. He’s currently working on a procedure to calculate average speed, based on this formula:

Average speed=

Total Time/Total Distance ​

Problem 2: Procedures with return values

James Hunter is looking through his classmate’s program and sees a procedure called heightenEmotions: PROCEDURE heightenEmotions(myEmotion)

{ moreEnergy ← CONCAT(myEmotion, “!!!”)

moreVolume ← UPPER(moreEnergy)

RETURN moreVolume }

That procedure manipulates strings using two built-in procedures, CONCAT for concatenating two strings together, and UPPER for converting a string to uppercase.

James Hunter then sees this line of code:

heightenEmotions(“im mad”)

After that line of code runs, will nothing be displayed?


False = Answer

Problem 3: Procedures with return values

Bubz is writing a program to calculate the carbon footprint of his activities. The procedure calcFlightFootprint calculates the pounds of carbon dioxide produced per passenger in a flight that covers a given number of miles and seats a given number of passengers.

PROCEDURE calcFlightFootprint(numMiles, numPassengers) { CO2_PER_MILE ← 53.29

carbonPerFlight ← numMiles * CO2_PER_MILE

carbonPerPassenger ← carbonPerFlight / numPassengers

RETURN carbonPerPassenger


Bubz wants to use that procedure to calculate the total footprint for his two upcoming flights: LA to NY: 2,451 miles and 118 passengers NY to London: 3,442 miles and 252 passengers

Which of these code snippets successfully calculates and stores her total footprint? Highlight 2 answers.

  1. totalFootprint ← calcFlightFootprint(2451, 118) + calcFlightFootprint(3442, 252) = Answer

  2. totalFootprint ← calcFlightFootprint(2451, 118 + 3442, 252)

totalFootprint ← calcFlightFootprint((2451, 118) + (3442, 252)) = Answer

4. laNyCarbon ← calcFlightFootprint(2451, 118) nyLondonCarbon ← calcFlightFootprint(3442, 252) totalFootprint ← laNyCarbon + nyLondonCarbon

Part 2

PROCEDURE find a ()

{ c – 9

b <-- 9 * 9    

a <-- b * c     

Print (a)


What is a?
= 729 = Answer cost ⟵ 173 tax - 10%

PROCEDURE applytax (cost, cpercentDiscounted) { temp <– 100 + percentTaxed

temp <-- temp / 100

cost <-- cost x temp       


What is the cost? = cost is $190.30 Tempature - 103 Degrees

PROCEDURE convet Fahrenheit (tempature)


Celsius <-- tempature - 32  

Celsius <-- Celsius x 5/9      

Print (Celsius)} answer = 39.444

# 3.13 part 1 and 2

### #1. Create a procedure that is meant to replace the top running backs yards per game in one season if the current running back has more yards per game

PROCEDURE updateTopRunningBack(currentRB, currentRBYardsPerGame, topRB, topRBYardsPerGame)

{ IF (currentRBYardsPerGame > topRBYardsPerGame) { topRB <– currentRB topRBYardsPerGame <– currentRBYardsPerGame } }

#2. Write a procedure that will allow the A+ to get to the 1, while avoiding the black boxes.

PROCEDURE getAplus(){ If (can_MoveForward): Move_Forward Else (can_MoveRight): Rotate_Right Move_Forward If (can_MoveLeft); Rotate_Left Move_forward }

#3. Which Is the Correct Way to define the Name of a Procedure?**

#4. Write A Procedure That gets the BeachBall To the Green Square

PROCEDURE BallToGreen{ Rotate_Left Move_Forward Rotate_Right Move_Forward( until count = 6) break Rotate_Left Move_Forward (until count=2) break }