3.5 Binary Hacks

Binary Practice

Using psuedocode operators determine if the statements are true or false. The number type will be indicated in parentheses.

1. 90(D) = 1000(B)

2. 10(D) ≠ 0110(B)

3. 56(D) ≥ 111000(B)

3. 99(D) < 1110011(B)

AND Operator
Value 1 Value 2 Result
1 1 1
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 0
OR Operator
Value 1 Value 2 Result
1 1 1
1 0 1
0 1 1
0 0 0
Not operator
Not Value Result
Not 1 0
Not 0 0

Testing out relational operators

Practice with these statements

print(20 > 20) # How can you change the operator to print a value of False?

x = 30 y = 20 z = 10 print(x >= y + z) # How can this return true by only manipulating the operator?

3.6 Hacks

AP Prep

1. What is displayed by this code?

  1. Nice job!
  2. Display
  3. Please schedule a retake. (answer)
  4. 75 (75 is lower than 80) 2. How is an if statement different from an if-else statement.

  5. Extra words.
  6. An if statement will only go through a process if a condition is met. An if-else statement will go through code no matter the conditions. (answer)
  7. They are the exact same.
  8. An if statement will go through the entire code segment every single time and the if-else statement is always used in an algorithm, no matter the conditions. (statement must be made in order to go through the code) 3. What would be most appropriate for this situation? Ben wants to check his bank account. If his car fuel is full, he will go to the bank. Otherwise, he will go home. If he goes to the bank, he will withdraw money only if his balance is above $1000.

  9. If statement
  10. If-else statement (answer) (if he had gas he would go, but no gas means don’t go) 4. What would be most appropriate for this situation? Luke wants to play basketball. If it is sunny outside he will go to the park to play basketball.

  11. If statement (answer)
  12. If-else statement (doesn’t say what he’s doing when not sunny)

    Using Python

animals = [“lion”, “tiger”, “wildebeest”, “shark”, “jellyfish”, “blobfish”, “raven”]

for i in animals: if i == “shark”: # What boolean value does this statement cause? print(“Fun Fact: The smallest shark is the dwarf lantern shark, and it is small enough to hold in your hand!”) else: print(i) for i in animals: if i == “lion” or “wildebeest” or “raven”: print(“This animal lives in the desert”)


Using only one more if statement, alter the code to print out a statement saying if an animal lives in the desert, based on booleans

Write code here

beefWellington = { “meat”: True, “prepTime”: 150, “name”: “Beef Wellington” }

cheeseQuesadilla = { “meat”: False, “prepTime”: 10, “name”: “Cheese Quesadilla”


chickenAlfredo = { “meat”: True, “prepTime”: 60, “name”: “Chicken Alfredo” }

def cookMeal(dish): if dish[“prepTime”] <= 30: if dish[“meat”] == False: print(“You can cook a”, dish[“name”]) else: print(“Sorry, you do not have meat and cannot cook a”, dish[“name”] ) else: print(“Sorry, you do not have enough time and cannot cook a”, dish[“name”] )

cookMeal(beefWellington) cookMeal(cheeseQuesadilla) cookMeal(chickenAlfredo)

Exercise 2

Make a flowchart(here is one we used) and write pseudocode for the following scenario.

