Cool Coders (Ava, Alexa, Antony, Shruthi) Period 4
- There website is about creating a way to manage merchandise for ASB.
- Shruthi is the dev ops for the group and she has been working on delpoying the AWS.
- Ava is the scrum master and she has been helping everyone with individual assignments and overlooking everyhting to make sure it works.
- Alexa is the frontend and she has been working on the fastpages creating the looks of the website.
- Antony is the Backend and he has been creating tables using json and using buttons to manage how many products of each item they have.
- The cool coders used a stock api and created a list of items including hoodies and pants and then it prints the quantity of the item.
Jake , Finn, Max, Parker ( Period 4 )
- their customer targert needs:
- Customers that use spotify or other streaming platforms
- make demos of our website
- ask for feedback from customers
- Expectations of each feature:
- HTML tabs that bring you to a page about information of each genre
- User imputs button where they get random song data and api spits out random song ( top 10 tiktok songs )
- Jake is scrum master
- Finn is dev ops
- Max is the backend developer
- Parker is the frontend developer
- They are going to use blooging to talk about hacks and development ( also to talk about artists )
- Comments ( asking questions )
Aarav , Braeden , Tigran , Vunsh ( APCSA )
- Creating Quizme to make school easier with using flashcards and multiple choice questions to replace quizlet.
- Using Visual studios live share to share code outside of school
- Creating customer feedback on website
- Video tutorial for people who can’t read english
- Tigran is frontend developer
- Aarav is the scrum master
- Frontend code uses javascript, css, and HTML
- Vunsh is devops and worked on Deployment using AWS
- Braeden is Backend Developer
- Using lists to store flashcard information and store data