- You have to put in a little work and time to chnage your life for the better and have better outcomes in the future.
- It won’t come over time, you have to keep working at it.
social connections
- Help other for exchnage for something greater.
- Help other people’s need before ours.
- Meet new people everyday
- Be gratful for what we have and think of positive things and cancel out the negative things in your life.
- 7-8+ hours of sleep
- Eat 3 meals a day with enough carbs and proteins to fuel the body.
- Exercise 30-40+ min a day.
- Time famine
- Time affluence
- Value time more than anything
Personal Gratitude list:
- Being able to be on the feild playing on military night with the fly over.
- Going to see my brothers this weekend at college in two states I have never been in.
- Had a nice team meal on thursday with the football team.
Personal Goals:
- Get an A on my next math test.
- Win our next football game.
- go to the louisville football game in Kentucky.
- Get to see friends after being gone for a week.