Design Process

1. Choosing a topic

Before I started to make my quiz I decided I wanted to choose a topic that was revalant to me and that others can learn from when takng my quiz. I chose to create my quiz about the math I am doing in my math class.( AFA )

2. Writing the questions

After I chose my topic for my quiz, I searched through my math notebook to find questions on the topics we work on in class. I created these questions around what to expect in teh AFA math class.

3. Creating my Quiz

The first step to creating my quiz was the homepage and I created something that was related to my topic, but also added some fun colors to make the homepage more intreasting. My quiz will have three questions that you have to answer in a different way each time. Including multiple choice, dropdown menu( true or false ), and check all that apply. Then at the end it will take you to the page that tells you your score.

4. Challenges

Some challenges that I faced while creating my quiz using was knowing what each function does. I am not familiar with this website and there was a lot of trial and error throughout the week.

5. successes

Their were many successes throught the week that helped me achive finishing my quiz. At the start it was pretty dificult because I didn’t know what any of the commands and functions mean, but as I played with teh software I learned how many of the functions worked. I figured out how to make a quiz using three different questions and different ways to answer each question. The first question I created a mulitiple choice question just using buttons, Then for the second question I created a check the box type answer, and lastly I created a dropdown menu type of question.
